Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Where Were You?

Where Were You?

I created this video several years ago in a time of my life where I was going through some great upheaval. For this, you can read "sin".

This is a song taken directly from the book of Job about the bigness and the sovereignty of God, with His tenderness and attention to small things also. Our God is great. I created this video from a bunch of sources (none of the images came from me), and I uploaded it to promote Ghost Ship's new album and because we're going to sing it in church. This video has nothing to do with Mars Hill Music or Ghost Ship. Please head over to iTunes or Amazon to purchase their album "The Good King", and please head over to Ghost Ship's Facebook page and give them a Like:

Most glorified, or least glorified?

"God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him."
- John Piper

It occurred to me that in this life, something is always being glorified by the outward expression of our thoughts and desires.

If we are overly focused, even obsessed, on earthly treasures and earthly fulfillment (which can also include a desire to make the lives of those closest to us more comfortable), we end up glorifying things that are not necessarily bad things, but they are not of eternal significance.

Like many of the "Blessed are ..." statements in the Bible, if we look at the converse of Piper's statement we reveal something that we should each be mindful of: "God is least glorified in us when we are least satisfied in Him."

As I continue to learn to find rest in Christ's finished work, and His sovereignty in all things, I learn to trust in His goodness and His care for His children. My prayer is that I will continue to more and more satisfied in Him, and that He will be more and more glorified in me, and that the spiritual outcome will be that God works through me to save more of His people.